Tesla, free coffee, and a driving range: how a businessman opened a driving school in Khmelnytskyi

"Business despite the war" — is a special project of Ekonomichna Pravda, a project of USAID SOERA, the State Property Fund of Ukraine, and Prozorro.Sale. In this special project, entrepreneurs rented real estate at Prozorro.Sale auctions after the start of military aggression told us how they are working now.

Below is a short version of one of the four stories. You can read the full version of this article in Ukrainian via the link



Volodymyr Pshtyr, owner of Khmelnytsky Jaguar Driving School LLC


In 2021, Volodymyr Pshtyr wanted to open his driving school near Khmelnytskyi. However, his plans faced a significant setback when Russia attacked Ukraine in February 2022. Despite the challenges brought by the war, Volodymyr's Jaguar Driving School emerged as a resilient success story.

The perfect training ground
Volodymyr's aspiration to establish a driving school began in 2015 when he obtained his instructor and teacher certificate. His journey toward realizing this dream faced several hurdles until he stumbled upon an ideal asphalt site near Khmelnytskyi in the fall of 2021.
Volodymyr secured a 10-year lease for a 50-hectare plot from the local council. This site featured realistic road conditions with markings, speed bumps, signs, a railroad crossing, and working traffic lights.

War interrupts plans
On February 24, Volodymyr was prepared for an accreditation commission meeting. However, the outbreak of the war forced a postponement of the plans by a month and a half. During this time, he contributed to public order and relief efforts in his city. In April, as the conflict subsided, Volodymyr resumed his efforts to obtain accreditation and began teaching at Khmelnytsky Jaguar Driving School.

Supporting IDPs and achieving local recognition
Despite the war, Khmelnytsky Jaguar Driving School thrived and supported over a hundred students, including internally displaced persons (IDPs) from the conflict zone.
Volodymyr's commitment to providing the best learning experience led him to seek additional premises. He found two classrooms in a prime location in the city and won the property rental auction.

Renovation and adaptation
Volodymyr and his team took on the task of renovating the newly acquired classrooms, turning them into suitable spaces for driving instruction. They made necessary repairs and purchased furniture.

The war and economic challenges, like rising fuel prices and power outages, impacted the driving school's operations. However, Volodymyr remains optimistic and anticipates an upturn in business during the spring.

Confidence in state rentals
Renting from the state provided Volodymyr with stability and confidence in the future. Fixed rental prices and security against eviction allowed him to focus on his business goals, all while hoping for a resolution to the ongoing conflict. Volodymyr understands that winning the war is the top priority. He believes achieving his business goals is only a matter once peace is restored.


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