Ukrainian State-owned IT company Prozorro.Sale Has Got to the World Top in Open Governance
15 грудня 2021

Ukrainian state-owned IT company Prozorro.Sale has won the most prestigious award in open governance in the world - Open Government Partnership Awards-2021.

The winners have been announced on Wednesday, December 15, during the OGP Global Summit, which is taking place in The Republic of Korea. 

This year's award is dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Partnership, which brings together 78 national members and 76 local members today. Prozorro.Sale won in the category OGP Impact Awards as a project that changes the country and improves the quality of welfare in society. 

This year, Ukraine is represented by Prozorro.Sale — an online auction system that ensures openness and transparency of the sale and lease of public assets and property: 

Projects from 17 countries competed for the award from the European region. 

Ukraine has been participating since the beginning of the Open Government Partnership Initiative work. We are especially proud of this Award. This Award demonstrates the need for transparent and anti-corruption projects not only in Ukraine but all over the world. Here are the results we have all achieved thanks to the principle of "everyone sees everything". For us, this is a great incentive to make other areas of public assets transparent”, — Oleksii Sobolev, CEO at Prozorro.Sale, emphasized.

Five years ago, in 2016,  Prozorro — the Ukrainian electronic public procurement system, had already received the Open Government Awards in Paris. 

In 5 years, thanks to the activities of Prozorro.Sale, the state, local governments, and businesses have received almost 2 billion euros of revenues to the state budgets of different levels. E-auctions in the state-owned system Prozorro.Sale guarantee the security of electronic auctions, the impossibility of interfering in trading processes, and equal access for everyone to participate in the trades. 


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