Ukraine wins the U.N. Public Service Awards for Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs
22 червня 2022

On June 22, 2022, the United Nations (UN) awarded Ukraine the most prestigious international recognition of excellence in public service — the United Nations Public Service Awards. 

The UN Public Service Award recognizes the creative achievements and contributions of public service institutions that lead to a more effective and responsive public service administration in countries worldwide. Through an annual competition, since 2003  the UN Public Service Awards promote the role, professionalism, and visibility of public service.

This year, Ukraine was represented by state enterprise Prozorro.Sale an e-auction system that helps generate state revenue through open and fair bidding. 

Only those institutions and state agencies that implement the most effective approaches to governance and ensure the increase of efficiency of the government receive the UN Public Service Awards.

“The UN Public Service Awards is one more piece of evidence Ukraine can fight and win. What's more, Ukraine proves to the world its ability to implement effective services for citizens and to be the best among other countries. During the last 6 years, online auctions opened the access to hundreds and thousands of state and municipal assets for citizens and businesses and gave them the opportunity to compete for these assets in public. The transparency and openness of online auctions make them an effective tool for state and communities to sell properties and fill their budgets, as well as for businesses - to receive the resources for development, even during the war. The Award is our contribution as a state-owned IT company to keep Ukraine on global media agenda”, — Oleksii Sobolev, CEO Prozorro.Sale, stressed.

State-owned electronic trade system Prozorro.Sale was recognized as the best among 350 projects from 58 countries.

“This award would not have been possible without the support of international donors with their contributions to the development of the system and increased transparency in the management of public assets,” added Oleksii Sobolev.

During the last 6 years, thanks to Prozorro.Sale activities, the state, local authorities , and businesses received almost 2 billion euros of revenues to the state budgets of different levels. Since the war started, charity auctions in Prozorro.Sale system helped to raise more than UAH 5.6 mln for the Armed Forces of Ukraine's needs and humanitarian aid. 

E-auctions in the state-owned system Prozorro.Sale guarantees the security of electronic auctions, the impossibility of interfering in trading processes, and equal access for everyone to participate in the trades.


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