During the war, they continued to create jobs and support the economy: the story of the Zdorovaya Rodyna pharmacy chain


"Business despite the war" — is a special project of Ekonomichna Pravda, a project of USAID SOERA, the State Property Fund of Ukraine, and Prozorro.Sale. In this special project, entrepreneurs rented real estate at Prozorro.Sale auctions after the start of military aggression told us how they are working now.

Below is a short version of one of the four stories. You can read the full version of this article in Ukrainian via the link


Taras Monets, regional manager of the Salve and Zdorovaya Rodyna pharmacy chains


In 2022, the chain leased 10 municipal premises through Prozorro.Sale auctions.
Since the beginning of 2022, even during the war, Zdorovaya Rodyna has opened more than 70 new pharmacies. Of these, 10 were leased through Prozorro.Sale auctions from municipal enterprises. Each premise needed repairs: facade renovation and interior work. According to Taras Monets, on average, repairs today cost UAH 200 thousand if the building is in more or less normal condition.

Auctions ensure transparency
Until July 2020, the company leased premises for pharmacy outlets at physical auctions, which posed corruption risks. Now, without exception, all auctions for the lease of state or municipal property are public, held on the Prozorro.Sale website transparent and ensuring equal access for all participants. This step has simplified contract renewals and eliminated local bias.

Fulfillment of the social mission
Premises for rent require investment, repairs, and sometimes re-equipment. However, the prospect of future successful operations and the market value of the lease encourages the company to create competitive, modern pharmacies there. In addition, Zdorovaya Rodyna often offers higher rental rates at the auction than in the advertisement. This social component helps to replenish local budgets and supports the local communities in which the company operates. 

Working in difficult locations
The pharmacy chain operates in small public hospitals and remote areas, facing higher operating costs and staffing challenges. Nevertheless, they continue to provide essential medical supplies. At the beginning of the war, the company paid particular attention to the safety of its employees and their families. In turn, employees delivered medicines to civilians and the military, worked, and supported customers even during the shelling.

Disruptions in the supply chain
The war disrupted the supply chain, forcing the company to procure medicines and deliver them to the blocked regions. Bandages were prioritized for military use during the peak demand.

Adapting to changing circumstances
As the situation improved, Zdorovaya Rodyna resumed normal operations and expanded its pharmacy network. The company now cooperates with volunteer organizations, raises funds, and delivers medicines to the frontline areas.


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